Grape Juice Fight Stomach Flu

The NIH includes fruit juice along with water and broths in its recommended list of beverages to drink when you have the flu to replace lost fluids and electrolytes and prevent dehydration. Unfortunately theres no data to support drinking grape juice to protect your child from stomach flu says Preeti Parikh MD a pediatrician and HealthiNations chief medical editor.

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Moms everywhere are claiming that drinking grape juice daily can be the key to preventing gastroenteritis more commonly known as the stomach flu.

Grape juice fight stomach flu. Yes it is obvious yet very effective in prevention. An old remedy is to drink 3 cups of grape juice for stomach flu. Snopes a trusted website that counters urban legend with legitimate research quickly dismisses the first theory that the grape juice changes the pH to inhibit the virusarguing that the pH levels in the digestive process are so varied and the virus survives them so theres no way the grape juice could change the pH enough to affect the virus.

Theories about grape juice and the stomach flu Theories that grape juice lowers your risk of the stomach bug often circulate online during the most germ-filled months of. The most commonly shared version of this nutritional rumor is published on the Must Have Mom blog. Always have hand sanitizer for clean hands when soap and water are not available grape juice to prevent the rest of your family from getting the stomach flu and Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide for the serious disinfecting needs.

Multiple sites claim that the grape juice can change the pH in the stomach making it uninhabitable to stomach viruses. Theres a tip floating around to drink a bunch of grape juice for treating the norovirus. Here are 17 foods and drinks for when you have the stomach flu.

When the stomach flu strikes it can be difficult to keep anything down but certain foods may help you bounce back quicker. If you find yourself or one of your family members exposed to the stomach flu but havent experienced symptoms yet downing three glasses of grape juice will ward off the illness. On top of that the juice apparently also contains anti-viral chemicals.

Drinking a glass of grape juice three times a day after being exposed to the stomach flu will prevent you from getting sick. Plus thanks to the juices anti-viral and antioxidant properties it might even flush fight or. Grape juicealters the PH balanceof your intestinal tract making it hard for the stomach flu to take hold.

The connection between grape juice and flu prevention is flimsy at best. Vitamin C is an antioxidant with antiviral effects that can stop viruses responsible for stomach bugs but grape juice does. Plus thanks to the juices anti-viral and antioxidant properties it might even flush fight or kill the virus.

One blog Must Have Mom claims that the grape juice works by changing the pH in. Research on the effectiveness of grape juice on stomach virus is inconclusive but it may have some antiviral potential at least in a petri dish by decreasing the infectivity of viruses similar to norovirus. Grape juice could alter the pH levels in your stomach and prevent the norovirus from multiplying.

Keep your hands away from your nose eyesand mouth. According to Todays Parent The science behind the idea we found is that the grape juice works by changing the pH in your intestinal tract to inhibit the virus. Heres the idea.

The key to prevention is being prepared. According to the info there is something in grape juice that changes the pH in your stomach and prevents norovirus from multiplying So many things are. Grape juice could alter the pH levels in your stomach and prevent the norovirus from multiplying.

Grape juice has antiviral properties because it has so much vitamin C. Make sure to Wash those handsregularly. But those theories dont really live up to the hype.

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